がちだ gachida
liable to , prone to
Used to indicate that something often becomes ~, or ~ often occurs. Mainly used to describe bad trends.
1. 車の免許をとったばかりのころは、車体をぶつけてしまうこともありがちだ。
It is common for new drivers to have car crashes right after they get their license.
2. 一人暮らしをしていると、つい野菜が不足しがちだ。
Those who live alone tend to skimp on vegetables.
3. くもりがちの天気が続いていますが、明日は久しぶりに晴れるでしょう。
This trend of cloudy weather has been continuing, but it will be sunny for the first time in a long time tomorrow.
1. 車の免許をとったばかりのころは、車体をぶつけてしまうこともありがちだ。
It is common for new drivers to have car crashes right after they get their license.
2. 一人暮らしをしていると、つい野菜が不足しがちだ。
Those who live alone tend to skimp on vegetables.
3. くもりがちの天気が続いていますが、明日は久しぶりに晴れるでしょう。
This trend of cloudy weather has been continuing, but it will be sunny for the first time in a long time tomorrow.